Sunday 1 June 2014

1st Iteration

Hi Bloggers. This is my first time making a plush.


I started off with materials I didn't need to use. In this case, I used an old pair of jeans from American Eagle and a sewing kit from my mom's.

But first, here is some inspiration for some of my plushies: Elmo from Sesame Street. I find him interesting by how clean the sew work is on every part of his body. I hope to achieve that or at least to in the process. 

Now that I've considered my intention of making my project, I went ahead to start cutting the fabric and using a single stitch technique (is it? I dunno, not an expert in sewing)
 After cutting the fabric, I then proceeded to fold them in half and stitch around the fabric leaving only one side open to put the stuffing: which was tissues

Now that all four sides were done, I went ahead with the body

 When I finished cutting, I then proceeded to sew the edges leaving the top and the bottom open
 I then proceeded to sew one side to hold it together. Again, I'm not pro at this
After that was done, I used tissue to stuff the fabric and then sew it together using the same method as with the legs of my original creation
 Now that it's almost done, I then proceeded with making the eye

All done!!

There you have it folks, my original creation of a plush. The total time this took me to finish it was around 4 hours of stitching back and forth and trying to find the needle. What I can take away from this experience is to use more advanced methods of sewing, to make my stiching more professional by trying to avoid exposing open fabric, and to use better materials. However, I am going to say that this was a test, as I plan to make my 2 other iterations more complex in terms of materials used, technique and craft.


  1. Angus, I love it! I hope you bring all 3 of your plushies to class, and not just your final iteration. Denim is a really difficult material to work with, because it is so thick and stiff - I think you will find your next version easier since you are planning to use soft material. But this little guy has a lot of character - fantastic!

  2. Hi Angus! I just want to say that there is something so endearing about your one-eyed plushie! It reminds of the London 2012 Olympic mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville. Haha, so odd but cute at the same time.

  3. I agree with Tara, you should definitely bring the three plushies to class if you can.I like how you used the jean materials you already had, it gives your first iteration more of a personal touch. Your process is looking great!
